While pursuing her law degree, Megan Shave decided to take a huge leap of faith and apply for an internship with Chain Camera Pictures. The production company behind the film The Hunting Ground, Chain Camera Pictures had inspired Megan to write her thesis on how social media can be a catalyst for change in legal culture. She had no idea that this bold leap would lead to the opportunity to work alongside the people she admired on social justice issues that she is passionate about. The fact that she was in Los Angeles, the center of the film and entertainment industry, was just a bonus!
Fast forward four months and Megan is now returning to her home country of South Africa with a newfound confidence for her own potential and a new career path. We caught up with Megan to hear about her internship, her experience living in Los Angeles, and the self-growth she experienced during her exchange program.

Why did you choose Chain Camera Pictures for a J-1 internship?

What was your favorite part of your internship at Chain Camera Pictures?
What has it been like living in Los Angeles?