Board Trustee
Robert Mallett
Robert Mallett's career has spanned three decades across the public, private and nonprofit sectors. Mallett has a track record of stellar leadership and organizational management, with a passion for innovative program design and excellence in implementation. He has been City Administrator and Deputy Mayor of Washington, D.C., where he became knowledgeable about fiscal challenges of local government and what it takes to provide on-the-ground services to vulnerable populations. He also served as Deputy Secretary and Acting Secretary of the Department of Commerce during the Clinton Administration, where he championed issues of diversity and inclusion and embraced the need for more assertive American leadership on the African continent through vigorous democracy-building initiatives and the application of soft power.
In the private sector, Mallett is known for promoting mission-critical initiatives to broaden the base of support for pharmaceutical innovation and serve patient populations in every corner of the globe. At Pfizer, he co-led a major cross-company effort to expand global access to medicines. He also led Pfizer's multi-year, annual billion-dollar commitment to provide essential medicines to vulnerable populations and the organizational transfer of the International Trachoma Initiative to the Taskforce for Global Health. He was also instrumental in Pfizer's expansion of the Infectious Diseases Institute in Uganda and expanding their effort to address the challenge of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa and the United States. Mallett also served as Executive Vice President & General Counsel for the Public & Senior Markets Group at United Healthcare, and later as CEO at both the Accordia Global Health Foundation and Africare.