At International Arts & Artists, we love hearing about the incredible experiences our exchange visitors have during their programs! From exploring new cities to experiencing different cultures, exchanges expand our understanding of the world around us. We know all about the power of exchanges — in fact, many of our team members have studied, worked, or lived abroad! So, we’re launching a new blog series called “Travel Tales from the Team” where we’ll share more about our own travel experiences.
Meet Megan, our fantastic Program Officer! A native East Coaster, Megan grew up in Massachusetts and received her Bachelor’s degree in environmental and sustainability studies from Bard College. Invested in language and the arts, you can find her teaching English, attending a play or dance class, or continuing her intense study of Arabic.
Keep reading for more on what Megan had to say about her experiences traveling and living abroad!

Have you ever lived abroad for an extended period of time?
Yes, I am very fortunate that I had the opportunity to live abroad for an extended period of time. I have traveled to Jordan a number of times. My first trip was on a semester-long rugged travel and exploration program in college. The program was focused on exploring different lifestyles in different parts of Jordan. I had the opportunity to live in Bedouin style tents and try traditional Jordanian cuisine. It was an adjustment at first, but I grew to appreciate a style of life completely different from my own. I also spent a lot of time living with a Jordanian host family who I became very close to. I visit them every time I return to Jordan. During my recent trip, I stayed in the capital city of Amman for six months learning the local Arabic dialect. The more familiar with the language I became, the easier it was for me to assimilate.

What was the first place you traveled to outside of the country?
The first place I traveled outside of the United States was Canada. I went on a school trip with my middle school French class to Quebec. I had an amazing time with my friends. We were amazed by how different the culture was despite it being so close to us geographically. We went in December, and felt like we had entered a winter paradise. We loved the food that we tried: traditional Canadian and French foods. I still think about the first time I tried boiled maple syrup poured over snow on a freezing day. By going on that first trip, I was able to have my first experience of travel and independence, and it only made me yearn for more.

What did you learn about yourself while abroad?
I learned that I am able to adapt to new situations, and that I can rely on myself when traveling. This has helped build my feeling of independence and self-reliance. Once I realized that I could take care of myself in a cultural context completely different than my own, I knew that I was going to be alright no matter where I went. This confidence has helped me in my work and travel life. It has helped me conquer my fears and step outside of my comfort zone.

What advice do you have for people traveling or looking to travel abroad?
My biggest piece of advice is to be open to spontaneous adventures. It is always important to plan certain aspects of a trip and to have an understanding of the country in order to keep yourself safe, but some of the greatest adventures I’ve ever been on were ones that I stumbled upon. By giving myself the freedom to stray from my plans to explore something unexpected, I have seen amazing spots that aren’t listed in tour guides because I spoke with locals. Always be open to a new adventure because it will be different from what you expect it to be.